9-10 November 2023
Europe/Prague timezone


The pre-conference workshops will introduce key topics related to research(er) assessment reform and Open Research Europe (ORE) platform.

Reforming Research Assessment

This workshop will address why there is a need to reform research assessment and what the role is of Open Science in research assessment. The workshop will also present the new Researcher Assessment Framework from the OPUS project and how the framework incentivises and rewards researchers to do Open Science.

Target group are researchers and leaders on researcher assessment.

Speakers: Gareth O'Neill and Emma Day

Open Research Europe

Open Research Europe (ORE), an Open Access Publishing Platform for Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe beneficiaries is a project launched in spring 2021 by the European Commission. ORE offers rapid publication of various article types without editorial bias. All articles benefit from transparent peer review and are published under an open licence. The platform is a significant step toward Open Science in Europe. Eurodoc, as an expert partner in the ORE project, is ensuring that the voice of early-career researchers is heard.

This year we invite early-career researchers to participate in the second ORE Focus Session in Prague to continue this important conversation and focus on:

  • how the ORE features correlate with the current reform of research assessment,
  • what are the benefits of multilingualism in scholarly publishing, and
  • what could be the future of ORE and Open Science in several decades?

Speakers: Sam Hall and Oleksandr Berezko

Research productivity and the demands on PhD researchers and supervisors

Doctoral training is constantly facing new challenges and all stakeholders are looking for optimal solutions, both at national and European level. This workshop will focus on perennial questions about the role and expectations of doctoral researchers and their supervisors. Particular emphasis will be placed on research requirements, how they should be defined, what is feasible in terms of time for successful completion, and could we fit our arguments into an ongoing reform of research assessment. We will be looking for an answer to what is the best way forward.

Speaker: Melita Kovačević